Villa Dalarö is a light, airy collection filled with a summery atmosphere. Harmounious colour schemes in light grey, green and blue allow you to mix and match freely in every room of your home. The matt finish captures the light beautifully and transforms the room to a calm retreat. Let us set the scene; Out in the garden the cat sneaks around, finally in his element after several lazy months indoors.
The welcoming sound of the seagulls. The sound of summer, is here. The children laugh heartily whilst enjoying their first steps in the green summer grass. After having dinner in the garden, we wish to stay outdoors for just a little bit longer and so we wrap ourselves in blankets to stay warm. When it´s time to go inside, we can still hear the blackbird singing in the summer sky. We follow the flourishing vines of the wallpapers in to the cool bedroom where we cuddle up in crispy sheets.